Do You Struggle With Stress, Anxiety, Addiction? 
Learn A Set Of Simple Daily Ritualized Habits To Break Free


Jason Moore here.

From a young age and for years, I struggled with stress, anxiety, and addiction, until I finally learned how to deal with it in an unconventional way (beyond "the 12 steps") and started coaching and mentoring other men who have struggled in similar ways.

I KNOW you're stressed. How could you NOT be in this crazy world?

With terrorism, pandemics, political turmoil, schools closed, jobs lost, businesses failing, people stuck at home, families separated, cultural and racial divide, existential angst, and cancel culture.

And 24/7 connectivity and news streaming from all over the world, non-stop, and no lag time between trigger, emotional response, and social media reaction.

You see and hear it everywhere, instantly, "stress, anxiety, and addiction, in all forms and expressions, are fast on the rise!"

Regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, race, religion, role, or responsibility, NO ONE can escape the burdens of stress and anxiety, especially now; and yet, more people are trying to then ever before, driving themselves deep into substance abuse and addiction.

There’s never been a more important time to prioritize mental, physical, and emotional well being, to upgrade your thinking patterns, and adopt more effective coping skills.

That’s why I created a Step-By-Step Anti-Stress-Anxiety-Addiction Checklist, to show you how.

And I want to give it you for FREE!
Inside you'll learn the Simple Set Of Daily Habits I used to deal with stress, anxiety, and addiction, regardless of external events and circumstances of life.

You’ll learn that you have the power to turn any crisis into an opportunity.

You'll learn that, no matter what happens—no matter what events and circumstances arise—you always get to choose what things mean and what to do, and therefore your experience and results in the face of it.

You'll learn that, by exercising your personal power using these simple proven strategies, you can handle yourself and cope with anything, no matter how bad things may seem.

Listen, whatever you’re dealing with, chances are, I’ve been there.

Just like you, I've had to pick myself up and power through many crises in life.

stressful childhood... substance abuse and prescription drug addiction... the loss of jobs, businesses and income... bankruptcy and the struggle to rebuild with my confidence shattered... the loss of my brother to suicide... becoming 40+ pounds overweight and symptomatic… my wife leaving me, and nearly losing my family, because I wasn’t tending to what really mattered… surviving the loss of our home and personal belongings in a hurricane… and so much more...

And I've not ONLY survived all of these challenges, but I've THRIVED in the face of them—no, actually, BECAUSE of them!

How’d I do it? 

By imperfectly practicing This Checklist Of Simple Daily Rituals for the last 20+ years.
Now, I know you're probably thinking, "Wait a minute, how can a checklist of simple daily rituals be a real and effective solution for stress, anxiety, and addiction?"

A checklist is a recipe, a recipe is a strategy, and a strategy is a plan, method, or series of maneuvers for obtaining a specific goal or result.

In short, a strategy is how anything and everything happens in life.

If you’re feeling any emotion or achieving any result in life, positive or negative, on a regular basis, then it’s the result of a successful strategy. 

A strategy consists of your habitual, ritual ways of looking at the world, talking to yourself, and moving your body.

My "Anti-Stress-Anxiety-Addiction" Checklist is a strategic “do it yourself” guide with a simple, but powerful, recipe for upgrading thinking patterns, creating capacity, and responding to problems, upsets, and emergency situations, whenever and however they arise. 

It's everything you need to BE YOUR OWN HERO in these challenging times.

And, I want give it to you for FREE!
I'm Jason Moore.
Awaken The Hero, 
Your Adventure Awaits!
Awaken Hero
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